* Book Reviews
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* Literary Lawyers
For lawyers who like to read and write: posts about books, characters, and writers who were lawyers, or books with a law-related theme.
- Author/ Attorney Louis Auchincloss Dies
- Kathryn Ma: Attorney-Turned-Author
- Book Review of Double Billing: A Memoir by Cameron Stracher
- The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton
- Lawyer-Turned-Writer Realizes Dream Despite Disease: Neil Selinger
* Quotes
- Law-Related
- On Reading and Literature
- On Writing
* Reading
- LitSpot (Literary Places)
--Ocean City, MD: Bookstore Review of Bookshelf Etc.
--Pittsburgh in Words: Essays in Celebration of the City's 250th Anniversary
- Virtual LitSpot (Website Reviews)
--Literary Rejections on Display (See famous authors' early rejections!)
--Paperbackswap.com (Swap books for free!)
--Duotrope's Digest - Where Writers Can Find and Track Markets for Submissions
- Misc.
--Volunteering to read to kids at Read To Me Corner of State Fair (10/2/09)
--Hills Like Black Elephants There's no wrong way to read Hemingway (or anyone!)
* Writing
-Publication attempts: Success and Rejection
--First of the "Daddy Issues" Pieces Submitted for publication (11/21/09)
--Wake-up Call: First Rejection Letter for "Coach K" Arrives (10/17/09)
--Back on the Submission Circuit
--Persistance Pays Off: One Story Sent to Twenty-Five Markets!
- Author Profiles and Interviews
--Attorney-Turned-Author Kathryn Ma
--Author/ Attorney Louis Auchincloss Dies
--Carol Roh-Spaulding on submitting her first story to twenty-five different journals
-Books with writing as a theme or writers as characters:
--The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton
--Mourning Ruby by Helen Dunmore
--The Wife by Meg Wolitzer
--Women Like Us by Erica Abeel
--Lucky, a Memoir by Alice Sebold
31. How Sweet the Sound
31. How Sweet the Sound: A Soundtrack for America. Kwame Alexander.
Illustrated by Charly Palmer. 2025. 48 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars,
8 hours ago
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